Re: Looking for more info about StarGrunt / Here's you chance to lure me away from the Dark Side :-)
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 20:06:32 -0400
Subject: Re: Looking for more info about StarGrunt / Here's you chance to lure me away from the Dark Side :-)
Don said:
>The Other reason to love SGII is you can use
>anything you own, in other words there is no mandatory "Chapter
Approved BS"
>The main thing is SGII allows you (I'd say even encourages you) to
form your own
>MTOs and kit bash to your hearts content......)
Indeed, you can do Viet Nam, WW2, even Victorian Colonial or American
Civil War with a few modifications. Or tweak the rules a bit and come
up with aliens, genetically modified critters, combat wombats,