Re: Status of the 15mm Hammer's Slammer's Figs...
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 16:04:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Status of the 15mm Hammer's Slammer's Figs...
>The_Beast: 3 of every new nationality/species <g>
Just showing solidarity with my mud-head brothers. Sorry about the whole
BDS thing... ;->=
>Total: ScanFed: 16, Phalons: 30, IF: 20, Slammers: 51, Stations Crew:
>OUDF: 13, NI: 9
Damn, I lost count of how many there are... I guess fifty pounds
quite cover it, unless Jon gives me some discount, say, the one good
the 16th on the site because I DID commit myself. ;->=
Ok, a few more pounds on the check I'll be getting tomorrow.
>Could have *something* to do with with your choosing to do the ranges
>had the *fewest* pre-orders for...
Could be for many reasons, of course, but it wouldn't be the first time
sculptor's preference overrode business realities.
On the other other hand, those Anerexoids(sp?) in 15mm would be MOST