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Re: War of the Worlds in DS2

From: Glenn M Wilson <warbeads@j...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 06:08:14 PDT
Subject: Re: War of the Worlds in DS2

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 07:14:21 +0200
(kh.ranitzsch) writes:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jared Hilal" <>
>> >   After all, an alien invader that can't even put up with the 
>cold isn't going to have much fun at all against weaponized anthrax.
>> >
>> And the Martians that land in Korea aren't going to enjoy the Hanta
>> virus, those in mainland China aren't going to have fun with 
>> or SARS and those that land in central Africa aren't going to like
>It's not at all clear that they would be susceptible to any of them, 
>even if
>they are killed by the common cold. One species can be immune to a 
>that is highly dangerous to others. HIV/AIDS doesn't harm monkeys, 
>SARS is
>harboured by civet cats, the Hanta virus resides in small rodents, 
>bats may
>carry Ebola (this one is not provern). Conversely, animals can die 
>minor human diseases.
>The Martians might die from a virus or bacterium that is completely 
>to any terran life  form
>You could PSB that they are immune to anything we store as a 
>bio-weapon, but
>die from Eschericia coli.
>Karl Heinz

E. Coli has killed some humans.

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