Re: Wargames Stores
From: "Alan E Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 11:22:27 +1000
Subject: Re: Wargames Stores
What's a wargames store?
Let's see, in Canberra ( pop 300,000 ) we have "Logical Choice", which
a small selection of GW stuff and some other 25mm Fantasy lines for
RPGs, but
mainly CCGs, RPGs and non-wargame boardgames. They *do* carry FT/FB1/FB2
( and
MT when it was in print) but no GZG minis.
Then there's a GW store that's about 50 km away from me at the other end
town - but currently doesn't carry any line I'm interested in (ie Epic).
The nearest place I can buy GZG minis "over the counter" is over 1000 km
at Eureka Miniatures and Military Simulations in Melbourne.