Re: [OFFICIAL] Still the Best!! ;-)
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 12:42:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Still the Best!! ;-)
>Absolutely, I couldn't agree more about the contributions from everyone
>involved over the years - but it still sometimes amazes me how popular
>game still is, given the huge number of other rules and products that
>come out of the industry over the last decade....! :-)
Oh, we are in complete agreement, of course; as a mere list gadfly, I
wanted to let the real workers know how much I appreciate them.
But, you are quite right. I've the several versions of Starfire and Star
Fleet Battles, with longer histories but somehow having lost something,
well as a HUGE pile of works that each looked brilliant, and really hurt
with their demise. FT's staying power is worthy of pride.
Some of the ideas folks here have promoted on the list could have added
levels of complexity that might well have killed the system. You must
blame for keeping it still a nice, simple game with plenty of potential
adaption to what an individual wants. ;->=
Synergy are good.