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Re: Another SGII scenario idea Space Rangers

From: "Don Maddox" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 13:02:02 -0700
Subject: Re: Another SGII scenario idea Space Rangers

Pardon a vacc-head's question, but I seem to recall the situations
generally had very small numbers going in; would SGII's squad
work that well?

Pushing toward FMA perhaps....)

Also, they tended to occur in enclosed spaces, such as the halls of Fort
Hope or a spaceship interior. This is not to say there weren't soirees
the jungles, but a sweep through cargo hold is my first, abiding memory
the rangers at work.

Yeah it was more police like than space marine	like. But with a little
tinkering ......could be doable.

Lastly, 93?

That's when it was on TV, I missed the show when it aired I picked 
up the VHS tapes while TDY in Germany.


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