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Re: [Power Projection] Review

From: Dominic Mooney <dom@c...>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 20:47:03 +0100
Subject: Re: [Power Projection] Review


On Monday, May 12, 2003, at 18:04 Europe/London, 

> I'd suggest that missiles and sandcasters have 3-4 reloads as
> Checking off shots is faster than rolling to see if you're out of 
> ammo; I'd
> think that your weapons officer is likely to know how much ammo he has
> left; and it allows the option of buying bigger magazines if you want 
> more
> staying power.

3 reloads is standard assumption. D6 was adopted as a result that big 
ships have lots and lots and lots of batteries so became book keeping 
nightmares. Reload takes 3 turns per unit of weapons (actually could be 
assumed to be less for a PP:E ship).

> I'd also allow missiles to coast between turn 1's move and their final

> run
> on the target.  This can get fun if sensor rules make it difficult to 
> ID
> ships over, say, 20mu -- you could be firing at ships which turn out 
> to be
> weasels, or drones, or civilians...

Only issue I can see with this is the fact that missiles don't have 
vector counters for simplicity, but this can easily be remedied...



"We tell the tales of heroes to remind ourselves that we too
can be great" - John Wick, 7th Sea

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