FT stuff
From: "Bill Brush" <bbrush@u...>
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 20:52:01 -0500
Subject: FT stuff
Hey guys, I'm toying with the idea of selling off my FT/space combat
I have a good many ships, plus the FT, MT, and FB1 books. I think the
price for the lot would be around $200 although I open to negotiations.
The minis include a lot of NAC, some Kravak, some of unknown origins,
some Narn B5 wars, and a smattering of other GZG stuff. Anyone who's
interested e-mail me directly. I'm not terribly interested in parting
things out, but I could be persuaded for the right price.
Strictly a community thing, but anyone in the local area of
Lincoln/Omaha/Nebraska will be given preference.
E-mail me directly at rand/nospam/@binary.net if interested.