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Re: Software Projects

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 14:17:30 +1000
Subject: Re: Software Projects

My Wishlist....

A Campaign Aid for FT. One with a 3D strategic map, and which
allows delayed orders and information, and multiple players
on the same side.

CiC is 6 Parsecs (6 weeks) away from Fleet 1, and 8 from
Fleet 2. Fleet 2 fights a battle, the CiC only knows
about it 8 weeks later. He issues orders to Fleet 1 to
go assist, which Fleet 1 gets 6 weeks later, and then
takes the somewhere-between-2-and-14 weeks to get there,
a delay of 16-28 weeks in toto.

(This assumes lots of small message torpedos or couriers
that are capable of FTL travel at 1 parsec/week until
they get in-system, then broadcast via EM radiation with
no effective delay).

Options for combat would be to abstract it, let the
computer handle it, or notify via e-mail to any of a
list of players that a scenario is available, and would
they be willing to play.

This could be played with 1 player on each side as the
CiC, and multiple players with a degree of autonomy over
local forces reporting to him.

Many star systems would be "contested" with forces from
both sides present, neither with a significant enough
advantage to force the other side to battle, except by
mutual agreement. But similarly, to effectively blockade
a system, you'd either have to have forces in the "inner
zone" where FTL escape isn't possible, but where all the
planets are, or enough forces to cover all ( 6? ) outer
zones, where FTL escape is possible, but you'd need
approximate equality to the enemy, who could be in any
one (or more) of them.

This can be abstracted to a 2-D paper game, but with some
difficulty - you'd need a referee. 

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