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Re: Dolphins & the OU

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 20:50:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Dolphins & the OU

> from the very start. How come survey vessels reaching an unexplored
> system often find OU navigation buoys there?

With the markings om those buoys printed in Russian and Portuguese as
well as English, mind you.

> Having an association with the AE is a godsend. If the AE didn't
> exist, it would be neccessary to invent it. It hides the signal by
> greatly increasing the noise.

A few hours ago I decided to pick out names for one of my new cruiser
classes (equipped with stealth). Signal Noise was one, as well as User
Error, Alderson Loop, Blivet, Undocumented Feature, Unsupported
Option, and a few similar ones.

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