Re: FT: Ship Names
From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 10:13:50 -0400
Subject: Re: FT: Ship Names
At 1:22 PM +0100 4/29/03, Robin Fitton wrote:
>I am so full of subjects today.....
>When I finish painting I name my ships and stick a little printed strip
>paper on the base, there is no official naming ceremony but I like to
>that I can identify the craft and will remember its victories and
defeats by
>name. I also then use Illustrator to print a copy of the FT ship build
>details and print / laminate the result.
>My names mostly come from books by Iain Banks (Culture Works) , Ian
>(Nightsdawn) and Stephen Donaldson (Gap Series). These include such
>names as; Tranquil Hegemony, The Ends of Invention, Gut Buster, Lux
>Interior, Calm Horizons and No More Mr Nice Guy.
I added some names to a standard cheat sheet for certain types. As I
mostly run NAC, the ship names I tend to use as based on current and
past names for craft. As there is an Invicible class CVL, it stands
to reason that the NAC is using a mix of historical names. Some I've
pulled out of history, Black Prince, Iron Duke for a fast Battle
Cruiser model I bashed together, others are still in use, Hermes. For
a FAC tender based loosely on the Invincible, the class is named
Mekong Delta (based on the standard of naming assault ships for
battles/beach assaults, this works well as that was a key location of
20th century brown water navy ops). Or for other ships that went
before, Ocean Class as the basic assault ship modeled off of the
Invicible hull (more bits added, small single flight deck for 1
fighter group and a big open bay/well deck for landing shuttles.
I also have a Cassin Young and Wainright classes of DDs and DDL/Hs
(Leader/Heavy DD).
A good source of names is
Ryan Gill
I speak not for CNN, nor they for me.
But I do work there and still like the company.
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