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Compville (was Re: Oops, redact my posts to OO on DSTest stuff... <sigh>)

Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 04:23:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Compville (was Re: Oops, redact my posts to OO on DSTest stuff... <sigh>)

Compville sounds the very scenario I've looked for as
a background for my ScanFed regiment... Where can I
find more info on that? :)

--- Thomas Barclay <> wrote:
> Wrong list indeed. Visual dyslexia, type 
> something, read it again to make sure, see 
> what you wanted to type, not what you actually 
> typed, send. Find out you f&*73) up. Sigh. 
> Anyway, thanks for the suggestions on 
> ADS/THADS both from Glenn and OO. That was 
> meant for here. 
> The THADS was inspired by the idea of Patriots 
> or the like engaging incoming dropships off-
> board before they arrived - a sort of "pre-
> game threat" and perhaps an SG2 like ADE 
> concept would cover things pretty well for that. 
> For on board fire, I'm thinking of things like 
> what happened in the scenario I just ran tonight 
> (Operation Haymaker, an assault to capture the 
> Governor of Compville by ScanFed mercs at the 
> beginning of the NAC-sponsored coup d'etat). 
> I've got ADS vehicles scattered around the 
> compound, running on passive sensors. Enemy 
> VTOLs come in hot and hard loaded with PA 
> and with additional PA underslung on droplines 
> (more capacity). The ADS wants to cut loose, 
> but if you follow book rules for landings, they 
> just happen all at once. But if you have your 
> ADS crewed (not even necessarily active) you 
> can undoubtedly bring it active at the flip of a 
> button esp once you have visual... and then the 
> enemy are in trouble. (One ADS had LoS in my 
> scenario tonight and it blew away one of the 
> dangling PA stands.... missed the lander, hit the 
> trailing PA....). When I think about some other 
> scenarios, I'm planning to piece them together 
> into an overall series of games covering the 
> NFR/NAC/ScanFed revolution on Compville vs. 
> the FSE and the Legion Etrange Colonial. I'll 
> probably even throw in a small FT scenario. 
> Tomb. 
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Mr. Thomas Barclay
> Software Developer & Systems Analyst
> ----------------------------------------------------

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