RE: Modern figures in scale with GZG 25MM?
From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@s...>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 06:53:30 -0800
Subject: RE: Modern figures in scale with GZG 25MM?
Of course, you could find the path of light and do SG in 15mm :)
Michael Brown
-----Original Message-----
From: James Hopper
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 6:26 AM
To: StarGruntII List
Subject: re: Modern figures in scale with GZG 25MM?
>>If anyone can point me to a manufacturer of modern figures of a =
>>compatible size with GZG StarGrunt 25mm's, I'd be obliged.
>>Specifically looking for gunmen in civvies to augment my PAU troops
but =
>>any type of moderns are of interest.
>>Thanks in advance.
I recently asked that very question on this list and get a few good
responses. The links that I have checked out are listed below.
Battle Honors makes some really nice 15mm figs:
I would consider doing my moderns project in 15mm, but I would like to
the urban warfare terrain I'm building for SG2 for moderns as well, so
at an impasse.
Unfortunately, almost all of the 25mm modern infantry is geared toward
very recent desert conflicts (Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq), and I am
looking for figures more suitable for the cold war era, circa 1980's.
Please let me know if you find anything that that I'm not aware of.
Thank You,
Jim Hopper