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pigeons, etc.

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 02:51:02 -0500
Subject: pigeons, etc.

1. As a grandson of a coal miner, let me tell 
you, these birds (well, it might have been 
canaries) have done this kind of job for a long 
while. They are (barring action by PETA!) a 
cheap and effective way to detect some of the 
nastier invisible nerve agents. Mind you, if 
you're beside the pigeon when it croaks... you 
ain't far behind. 

2. I have to ask, are the pigeons laden or 
unladen? and what's their airspeed velocity? 
and what is your quest?

3. Re: Commentators and Analysts.
Although he is (understandably) a bit of a 
cheerleader, I kind of like Gen Wesley Clark(e?). 
He was, after all, a big Nato guy IIRC as well as 
being a big US general. He knows (to the extent 
that anyone not currently active but who did sit 
in a big seat) his stuff. What bugs me is 
celebrities, actors, etc. shooting off their 
mouths. Oh, and high school kids. Not because 
they have no right, but just because they really 
have no clue. But then, if it's good enough for 
Grapes, I guess it's good enough for the rest of 
'em. And I'm not one to argue with a snappy 
dresser. (I'm sure this last part has utterly 
mystified anyone not from Canada). 

4. Following Beth's comment: Imagine the 
pigeon as a cheap and effective air pressure 
leak detector for the space navy. (Or toxic fume 
detector... either work... when the pigeon keels 
over, get the heck into a vacc suit on canned 

5. Brian, thanks for taking the politics off list. 
Although I utterly disagree with you and I 
suspect this weekend we'll see how many other 
Canadians do to, this list surely is not the place 
for it. Some technical questions, maybe. But the 
right/wrong thing really ought to stay away and 
I appreciate your willingness to let that aspect 
go. (We can always argue off list!). 

Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst

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