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RE: [OT] Question from the news

From: Adrian Johnson <adrian.johnson@s...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 02:49:11 -0500
Subject: RE: [OT] Question from the news

>>In SW Asia only US supplied allies use the TOW (Saudi-Arabia, 
>>Kuwait).  Iran has almost 2000 due to Iran-Contra.
>They also had a number of F-14s. Not that any one of them is flyable 
>in combat form as they stopped receiving parts shipments way back 

I read recently (either in Air Forces Monthly or Air International - I
forget which but read both) that the Iranian Airforce still
flies the F-14's, though they didn't say how many.  Supposedly they've
integrated Soviet/Russian weapons, and manufacture their own spare
I think I read they were considering reengining the aircraft with
supplied engines, like the South Africans did with that Mirage they've
shopping around with a bigass Russian engine as an upgrade.

Same with the F5's.

Actually, they developed a pretty clever upgrade program for the F5's,
including a cockpit stretch turning single seaters into two seaters.  

They also have put into production reverse-engineered Bell helicopters,
have kept their AH-1 Cobras operational.  Those served well during the
Iran-Iraq war (as did the F14's, which had air-to-air combat victories
Iraqi aircraft, IIRC).

The Iranians are creating themselves, slowly but surely, a rather
arms industry - unlike most of the other Gulf states, the Iranians seem
be determined to have native industry independent of the West or


Adrian Johnson

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