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Re: [SG,DS] Power Armour Weapon

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 14:40:52 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG,DS] Power Armour Weapon

At 7:33 PM +0000 3/10/03, Germ wrote:
>Well with that kind of demand expecting a contribution from the trooper
>isn't going to happen. ;)
>It's also going to add up to a lot of water per armoured suit just for
>water cooled weapon.

The thing is, you've probably got some kind of cooling system for the 
suit already right? If you do, why not add to that system and include 
the weapon's cooling system in it as well, or piggy back off the same 

Cooling circuit for the Guy inside
Cooling circuit for the gun
Cooling circuit for the power pack
common fan with a backup for all three with 3 separate heat-sincs for 
dumping heat into the surrounding environment at predicted times.
- Ryan Montieth Gill			     '01 Honda Insight -
-			    '85 CB700S -
-		 '76 Chevy Monte Carlo -
-		       '72 Honda CB750 -
-				      '60 Daimler FV701H Mk2/3 -
-				   '42 Daimler Scout Car Mk II -
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