Re: Shifting Political alliances
From: <hal@b...>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 07:32:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Shifting Political alliances
> Well, to defuse this, try taking less likely nations then UK and
> France, maybe a couplew of minor powers like ocurs ib the GZGF
> in Eastern Eutope perhaps?
Point is, most of the smaller nations are not going to have an awful lot
of manpower and/or equipment to throw. As for the Tuffleyverse - a
Colonial USA is no more or less far fetched than another Anglo-Franco
> Why would USA have to be 1)involved or 2) Isolationist? I'd just
> this out in the scenario or have USA tied up in a different war (Say,
> just for fantawsy with the North Koreans/PRC (Sorry, ESU) perhaps.)
The idea here is to keep the war large enough to be an interesting
campaign, yet small enough that it isn't a World War III or IV event as
> Hal, I think it would be a case of "Go with what you have" war.
> I expect current strengths reduced by "X"% would suffice.
I would expect a similiar arrangement. But then again, there are those
who like campaign games and like having raw data to work with. That is
why I mentioned the CIA resource - it lists GNP for all major nations -
where they can. As for the 1860's reference - what do you think got me
started on what seems to be a very strong resemblence to that very
I can *almost* picture that kind of scenario making it interesting...
state's sovereign rights coupled with nationalism...