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From: Brian Bilderback <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 21:40:47 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: WWII MGs

--- John Leary <> wrote:
> --- Scott Clinton <>
> wrote:
> The main difference between a "heavy MG42" and a
> "light  MG42" is actually just how much ammo and
> spare
> barrels are carried by the 
> > crew.  Almost all MG42s were equipped with both a
> > tripod and a bipod as  standard equipment.
> -------
> The 'main' difference is that the two configurations
> have different tactical applications.

I'm not going to engage in the discussion of MG's in
general, but that seemed a little argumentative!  Of
course the two different configurations have different
applications, but that's the difference in their
applications, not the difference between the weapons
themselves.  That's like saying the main difference
between an M16 and an M2 is how they're used. 
Ummm.... no.  To be sure, the M16 and the M2 have
VASTLY different roles or "applications", but it's the
physical difference between the two that permits them
to fill the different applications to which you refer.

Sorry if this seems a bit pedantic, but it appears to
me me that the argument was a bit specious.


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