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Optional Rules

From: "Scott Clinton" <grumbling_grognard@h...>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 09:44:24 -0600
Subject: Optional Rules

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

I have not seen the errata for some time and I was unaware that the 
"official ruling" had been to make these shifts open.  I was just going
the rule book that expisvily states they are closed.  Glad to here they
now open.

Threat tables:	Sorry guys!  I thought I had posted the alien threat
  Oops!  I have them done for all the races I have in my optional rules.
will see if I can get them posted this evening and post on the list when

they are up.

As for your points about combat movement I can understand how you like
the way it is.	It adds a certain random element.  However, I find it
frustrating and impossible to rationalize that on a consistant basis my 
units will move slower during a charge than they do during a normal

That is the sole reason I use my optional rule.  Sure, somebody may trip
fall (or whatever) or the truck may hit a stump and be "stuck" for a few

seconds but IMHO it is too often that a charging unit moves slower than
could have moved if it did not charge.

With my rule, there is still a random element.	You simply KNOW that
unit will move at LEAST as far as they normally do.  You just do not
exactly how far they will go (it may be 1" or it may be double their
move).	Also, my rule does not add anything to the maximum possible move

(important for balance IMHO).

The Grumbling Grognard

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