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From: Damond Walker <dwalker@s...>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 15:49:22 -0500
Subject: Re: WW2 FMA

> [Tomb] As to the proposed stats: I think
> you'll find your rifle impact way too low.
> Given you've already got a fair chance to
> miss if your target is half smart using
> cover, or evading, or whatever, then a D6
> vs. a D4 once you hit (especially since you
> really need to score > 3x the D4 to take
> the guy out) is going to lead to very long
> and frustrating games. I think the rifles
> should have D8 or D10 impact. And the MG
> the same (in some cases, it's the same
> bullets). 

    I planned on using quality and firepower die for the attacker while
defender would get a single d4 if in the open or d4 and (d6 or d8) if in
cover.	While the changes of an outright kill might be low for a single
you will most likely wound the other guy with a hit.  Which will lower
number of actions they can take by one.  If anything they'll get a
suppression marker.

    Up close and personal you'll have grenades which will have quite a
splatter effect.  But that's after I have the small arms nailed down. 
the long run I tend to think your standard rifles will be used to
the other side while your heavier gear (grenades, MGs, rockets, etc)
will do
the heavy killing.

    But yeah...I need to actually play a few games using the stats -- at
con I played in the Terminator game and I had a heck of time dropping a
terminator just four inches away from my squad.


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