Ok, really, really, OT and I'm sorry... Re: [OT] Battletech pod for Mechwarrior:Dark Age
From: devans@n...
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 09:51:03 -0600
Subject: Ok, really, really, OT and I'm sorry... Re: [OT] Battletech pod for Mechwarrior:Dark Age
>OK, I am an volunteer for Wizkids, and some will be distributed at
Others will be given to the venues that run all three of >the campaign
events for May, June and July, and there will be some for sale at large
cons this year, but expect them to go as >soon as the doors open...
So, the 21" I saw on the flyer was the width, not the length?!?
Is there an ETA (Estimated Toll of Acquistion)?
Does it come with it's own table legs?