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Re: [OT] 25mm Paper Buildings Available

From: glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 16:37:14 PST
Subject: Re: [OT] 25mm Paper Buildings Available

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 09:22:24 -0000 "Germ" <> writes:
>> Hurrah!
>> I haven't used 'em much yet because of lack of (a) gaming time and 
>(b) a
>> colour printer, but when I get either of the above... these are
>> certainly the best terrain option I've come across if (like me) you
>> don't have a great deal of storage space.
>> Cheers,
>> Roger
>Hmmm lots of people keep mentioning lack of a decent printer.
>Maybe I should look at free to download or pay for ready printed

What's stopped me is three fold :

1) Color printer (Okijet) needs cartridges (and they 'cost' when kids do
their 'art' with them.)   Because I don't have decent paper I haven't
bought the cartridges and printed them.  But that's more an excuse than
reason now that I type it.  Really not a good reason is it?  Okay, what
weight card stock is a good choice for printing?


2)  Some of the people I play with are predominately "historical" war
game  players some of whom might not participate with 'paper' (read as
'not real miniature terrain') buildings (pity, I know.)    Not a
particularly good reason, either, I see...  Oh well, their loss.


I don't have decent pictures from the local cons so nothing I have taken
pictures of has made a web page.  And I have taken a fair amount of
(unsuccessful) pictures.  Okay, I guess I can try and get some pictures
of a game in Die-Con (end of May) and post them (I guess one has them
developed on a CD, right? and then loads them to the files like an excel
or word document?) somewhere.  I will try and put to use all the
'lessons' I have encountered in my unsuccessful efforts in the past.

As to your question:

Although I would be glad to pay you (but the postage to the US might be
more than the price of the printed buildings methinks) I think mostly
it's more a matter of some of the three reasons above why many others
haven't let you know about their use of your downloads.  

Mostly the third I suspect.  At most of the local cons I only see maybe
one game master a day (or less) who has cameras recording the game. 
Recently the newsletter editor (who has been begging for pictures of the
last three local cons IIRC) began walking around taking pictures rather
than playing.  But those apparently were less than he hoped because he
indicated they '...didn't come out..." when he sent the newsletter after
the last con. 

Even if I had paid you for these and I had printed them out and I had
used them in games  I wouldn't have any pictures of them because of the
'camera challenged' person I have been.  Try, try again.


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