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Re: GZG ECC VI has ended

From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 18:16:29 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG ECC VI has ended

Indy wrote:
> staremu wrote:
> >
> > Just about how many does it take to make an event worthwhile?  Never
> > much for organization, but I am good in a supporting role.	Any
> > gamers got any input one what sort of attendance we might drum up?
> It depends I guess on what your goals and hopes are. At GZG ECC-I
> we had only 13 people show up. We thought that was a rousing
> success (even if 8 of them were Canadian ;-) and went on for
> ECC-II. I don't have the numbers (Jon Davis does; his forte in
> this con thing) but we basically doubled or nearly doubled the
> attendees for the second one, then leapt to the 30s with the
> third. Now we hover between the 30s and 40s, depending on world
> events, people's schedules, and the weather (February is such
> a balmy and weather-serene month, after all ;-). Last year we had
> mid/upper-40s (maybe 50? I don't remember) so that was great. This
> year we had IIRC 32. Still a viable number as far as we were
> concerned - we had around 4-5 games/events going per session.
> Mk

We had over 50 last year, so we missed a lot of folks this year.
Many from my gaming group were unable to come.	We still had 
quite a few first timers.

One secret to the success of the ECC convention has been the 
coordination and teamwork between Jerry, Mark, and I.  I also have
to acknowledge Nick Caldwell for his work with the shirts.  But
the three of us bounce off ideas and plans and make plenty of 
decisions behind the scenes.

We begin the preparations after Labor Day....


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