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Re: What scale?

From: Tim Bancroft <tim@d...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:48:41 -0000
Subject: Re: What scale?

I know the archives probably say more about 6/15/25-28mm, but I must
I've been a 15mm player for some years and prefer it (in SG using the
groundscale as for 25mm) as it looks and feels balanced to me on-table. 
 I've even run a few SF participation games in 15mm (but it's not ideal
you frankly don't get the visual figure-impact). Whilst there a few 
good-looking 15mm figs and vehicles out there, they are far outnumbered
the 6mm and 25mm brigade - who are absolutely spoit for choice with some

fantastic stuff.

If you're looking for variety, then don't touch 15mm.

Tim Bancroft

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