Re: [FT] CPV vs. NPV
From: devans@n...
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 09:53:30 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] CPV vs. NPV
>Unlike the massed fighter issue, is this large/small ship
>imbalance something that needs to be solved?
>If a well-handled dreadnaught always beats the same points
>value of well-handled cruisers or destroyers, isn't that
> what ought to happen?
Are you certain you don't have an ancestor named Jackie? ;->=
The whole issue of points is difficult at best anyway; it certainly
a number of other issues that pop up constantly from speeds to fix
to 'race' balance vs 'open' that change point values.
However, they're nice to get ball-park balanced games. I just don't take
them as 'biblical', no matter how many numbers Oerjan crunches.