Re: [FT] CPV vs. NPV
From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 02:20:03 +1100
Subject: Re: [FT] CPV vs. NPV
>IME, this goes a long way to solving the Large/Small ship imbalance,
>allowing a few more ships in a small-unit-only force going up against a
>contingent of BCs.
Unlike the massed fighter issue, is this large/small ship
imbalance something that needs to be solved?
If a well-handled dreadnaught always beats the same points
value of well-handled cruisers or destroyers, isn't that
what ought to happen? To me it is only a genuine imbalance
if well-handled lighter ships can't beat a badly handled
bigger one.
In history from at least the time of Nelson on a battleship
beats up the cruisers and frigates and big battleships beat
up smaller ones. And this 'concentration of force' rule, or
just expectation, is carried over into in science fiction
as well: Honor Harrington, Star Trek, Babylon 5, CoDominion,
Star Wars.
Putting it another way, what's the point in being an evil
overlord if you can't build monster warships to annihilate
your puny foes while laughing at their futile efforts?