Prev: DS: Walkers Next: Thanks for the comments Stuart and Beth.

Re: DS: Walkers

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 18:06:52 PST
Subject: Re: DS: Walkers

On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 17:10:09 -0800 (PST) Brian Bilderback
<> writes:
>First let me reiterate that I am a Battletech escapee
>and thus a little hard on mecha.  I for one like the
>restrictions placed on them in DSII regarding
>increased signature.
>In addition, I've also felt that the Infantry
>Walker/Combat Walker/Transport Walker distinctions,
>and their size limits (eliminating the middle range of
>size classes especially) were a little stilted.

Hey, Oh Glorious One who provides the mana for our addict... hobby
John T.), when (eventually) you get to DS3 I really would like to see
this addressed even though only the IJK (and they generally stay out of
the fights were possible - mostly because they are the most incomplete
force I am working on) uses Tin Samurai in my scenarios.  It's a logical
and logistical inconsistency that simply should be dealt with, please.


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Prev: DS: Walkers Next: Thanks for the comments Stuart and Beth.