Re: (fwd) Re: [FT] F***ters [was: Operational game]
From: "Joe" <ft4breedn@h...>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 12:12:10 -0600
Subject: Re: (fwd) Re: [FT] F***ters [was: Operational game]
> For me, the fun is in fighting out the battle, not designing a "knock
> fleet". It's the difference between enjoying playing a collectible
> more than enjoying building a collectible card game deck.
I completely agree Allan... You go into the game knowing you could
loose IF, A) you have bad tactics, B) bad luck, or C) both!
If you have a "knock-out," unbeatable fleet, what is the fun in that?
fun is knowing that you have the same equipment available to you as the
other guy and you come out on top because of a superior way of thinking
about the outcome of your actions, and the gumption to take calculated
risks.... that is the fun for me. That is why my favorite type of game
is a
double-blind or sub sim type of game. One wrong move and it's all over