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Re: [OT] Columbia

From: devans@n...
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 07:04:52 -0600
Subject: Re: [OT] Columbia

> > That said, I don't like the simplistic line of arguing you seem to
> propose - either space exploration or social programs.

I don't either, but a) that's the way I usually hear the question put:
"why do we spend All That Money Up There when it could Do So Much Good
Right Here"; and more importantly  b) I have a limited amount of
column-inches to work with.

Hell, I'm a liberal; it don't take much to convince me we can do both.

Mind you, I'm not of the blank check variety, so evaluation is
but that's more of how, not of what.

Has this OT thread run it's course yet?


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