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Re: Virginia Heinlein

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 03:44:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Virginia Heinlein

--- Phillip Atcliffe <>
> Indeed. I shall be interested to see any obituaries
> or tributes that 
> come out, because there was a certain sector of
> fandom who held "Ginny" 
> responsible for all Heinlein's supposed sins, right
> back to the days of 
> Starship Troopers. Knowing virtually nothing about
> their relationship, 
> I couldn't even dare to venture an opinion, even if
> I was so inclined, 
> but I shall be intrigued to see what everyone else
> has to say...

AFAIK, the only one on this list who was there was
myself, as WolverineCDR.


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