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Re: Limits of technology

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 14:10:31 +1100
Subject: Re: Limits of technology

From: "John Atkinson" <>

> > We do. Expendables. Often in artillery shells (why
> > not jam near the source)?
> Short-term, I presume?

Minutes to days, no longer. Usually an hour or so.
Depends upon power and frequency spread.

I'll see if I can find a URL or two.
for example.

Think of what a volley of a dozen of these, each with
an effective range of 500m or so, would do if fired
in the general area of an attack. Even if they only
last 30 minutes before you need to refresh.
> Somehow I don't see a US-Australian war in my
> lifetime.

Naturally we'd have to shoot you first.
Combat engineers are top priority targets, along with
DivLocBats and C3I facilities.

BTW I don't see a US-Australian war any time in the
foreseeable future either. If there is one, it means
that there's something gone terribly wrong with one
country or the other.

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