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Re: [FAQ] FH what? Re: [DSII] Dozy question re:Command/Communications

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 14:07:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FAQ] FH what? Re: [DSII] Dozy question re:Command/Communications

--- "" <>

> I'd expect John is basing that at least partially on
> the fact that the
> Eastern Roman Empire got mercenaries (Varangians)
> from England so must have
> had decent relations with the English (insofar as
> they had any relations at

Nah, we get our Varangians from the ScanFed and
dissident Ukrainians.  I'm basing the fact that the
English and the NRE have correct relations on the fact
that the NAC doesn't need any more enemies than they
already have lined up against 'em, so they aren't
willing to start shooting at us.  And we certaintly
aren't going to take 'em on unless they put our backs
to the wall.  Of course, there's also the question of
whether the NAC has the British protectionist
mercantile stance or the US obsession with freedom of
the seas/space and free trade (historically--recent
protectionist nonsense is a relatively new development
and completely out of character for us).  If the
latter, we'll probably get along wonderfully.  If the
former, we'll end up at war for the same reason that
the English went to war with the Germans--threatened
by a rising commercial power.

> all).  The friction with RH might be based on the
> occasional Rus attacks on
> Constantinople, and the NRE might also think of

Nope.  Try Krum.

> itself as having at least
> some legitimate claim to the Romanov crown (or more
> accurately, might think
> of the RH as an upstart/breakaway from legitimate
> NRE rule).  Of course,

Well, if the Rus hadn't adopted the title of Tsar
(Caeser), and hadn't gone blathering on about Third
Rome we might view them a little more favorably.  Now,
if the Romanovs made nominal submission, and agreed to
commemorate the Basileus Basil IV, then we might get
along jest fine.  But we wanted New Sofia and we got

> the Avtokrat thinks of himself as being the Sole
> Legitimate Ruler of
> Humanity and God's Regent, so I'm not sure whether
> the RH are any more
> illegitimate than, say, the OU.  

The OU don't know better.  Much like any other
barbarians, they will eventually come under the rule
of the Sole Rightful Autocrat of Men, God's Viceregent
Among the Stars.  But not this week, so we'll treat
with them through the Ministry of Barbarians.  We just
don't marry off any of the Porphyrogenitii to them. 
The Romanovs should, however, know better.


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