Re: [FH] Pantropists and John Crimmins was ecofundamentalists
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 22:08:08 -0500
Subject: Re: [FH] Pantropists and John Crimmins was ecofundamentalists
At 08:53 PM 11/18/02 -0500, you wrote:
>John said:
>> Of course, some forces are immune to this sort of silliness.
>Yes, I'm kind of assuming it would be UN soldiers who would be most
>likely to get converted. UN is the standard Bad Guys around here. I
>also have the UN Marines appearing as Faceless Minions #1-9, assisting
>the forces of evil (specifically Darth Binks--can't get much more evil
>than that) in a test FMAS game (the other side is Torg, Riff, Zoe and
You have excellent taste. And what, pray tell, are you using for a
It's probably worth noting that the FMA scenario that I'm going to be
running at Philcon this year is called "Bring Me the Head of Harry
John Crimmins