Re: Seriously [OT] Fundamentalists in general
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 16:27:32 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Seriously [OT] Fundamentalists in general
--- wrote:
> There are more than 1 Billion Muslims in the world,
> many of them do not
> live in countries that have officially Islamic rule.
> Nor are more than
> a minority of Muslims radical in the vein of
> Chomeini, bin Laden, the
> Sauds and co. So how come you claim that
> 'fundamentalism is the
> mainstream interpretation of that religion' ? Could
> you cite public
> opinion polls to that effect ?
All I know is that Muslims were dancing in the streets
on September 11th 2001 from Indonesia to Morrocco.
> And those 'Christian' fundamentalists I am familiar
> with, all claim to
> follow the original precepts (even if their claims
> may not be accurate)
> and they certainly are rigid and intolerant.
Uhhh. . . that's getting into a theological argument I
really don't feel like getting into. If you want my
opinion, bug me offlist. All I'm saying publicly is
that those people's knowledge of Church history is so
grossly deficient it would be funny if it weren't my
beliefs they are exposing to public ridicule.
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