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Re: Mixed combat units

From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 00:20:58 +0000
Subject: Re: Mixed combat units

> >I am sceptical about the New Israeli and Islamic Federations (are
>any female IF figures?) employment of female troopers. Partly on
>grounds (Particularly IF)
>Egypt and Iran have had female soldiers, so you can certainly justify
it if
>you wish.

I stand corrected. I guess it depends how fundimentalist you see these 
nations, I haven't really thought about the IF, but I see NI as a very 
insular possibly even pre-rabinic style Jewish state. 100% Kosha (sp?)

BTW are these female soldiers in the way we have them in the UK (i.e. 
everyone but the people who actually fight) or like they appear in say
GZG range, with a rifle and fighting like any other grunt?


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