RE: [SGII][WW2] Here we go again.
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 14:25:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [SGII][WW2] Here we go again.
My take on this issue is that the idea isn't to make
every bullet count, the idea is too use the immense
firepower of say, a quad .50 to supress the enemy
until flanking fire can be brought to bear. The issue
of 20mm+ multiple mounts is different altogether, snce
they can and will fire HE projectiles. One 20mm HE
wont do much, it might hit the wrong side of a small
tree or fly past, but four such projectiles, fired at
a rate of about 450 rpm, is bound to cause havoc in a
manner completely different from an MG.
Then there might be some more losses.
I have no idea wht this can be made up into in game
terms, but I just felt like I had to throw my $0.02
into this... :)
Now, feel free to expertize this to shreds. I like
getting my opinions thrown overboard. :)
-----original message very snipped-------
> Yes and no. The Maxton mount has 4 .50 caliber
> MG's, two per side. The operator sits between the
> guns. There is about 2 1/2 feet between the guns -
> enough for a person to fit between. If you slide
> the mount a little left or right, then only 2 guns
> are on a human-sized target, the other two are
> hitting just to the left or right of the target. If
> the guns are harmonized (i.e. cross their fire) at a
> certain range, then anything short of that range
> will probably get hit by all 4, but anything much
> past the harmonizing range will be missed by all 4.
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