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Re: turning ships in line ahead?

From: devans@n...
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 11:21:17 -0500
Subject: Re: turning ships in line ahead?

In on of the rule books (Fleet book, More Thrust or Full thrust... don't
have any handy ATM) It mentions optionaly using squadron movement to
formation. None of the guys i play with care much about the half inch
move stuff to keep in formation, especialy considering they're all doing
same thing. Finding out you're losing a ship because your the ship with
area defence fire con is 1/4 an inch away sucks.

Well, if you're taking a moderate sized line of ships, and 'wheeling'
one way or another, it's good deal more than a half an inch. If you're
keeping the formation together, that would seem to be different than

Catching a fleet while still trying to deploy can be GREAT fun.

Sorry, all, still haven't tried my ideas for a 'turning point'.


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