Mine Probing
From: kaladorn@m...
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:21:25 -0400
Subject: Mine Probing
Centurion Atkinson say:
Bayonet BAD!
Sneaky Italian people make mines with magnetic fuzes
and sell them on cash-and-carry basis to every kind of
undesirable LOON you can imagine!
[Tomb] Citizen Atkinson, what made you think my bayonet was made of
METAL? Here in A&E territory we take advantage of modern null-G
manufacturing to grow large crystaline formations and using a
patented (and secret) bonding mechanism, we create crystal laminates
(Damascrys) which we then nano-hone giving us sharp edges, high
tensile and shatter strengths, and sufficient shock absorbing
qualities. These are not the bayonets of 200 years ago! And they can
safely prod magnetic mines! :)
(Which we still prefer to have professional trained engineers handle,
thank you very much).