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RE: Roger's Quiz

From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@s...>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 22:27:21 -0700
Subject: RE: Roger's Quiz

Need you ask?

Michael Brown

-----Original Message-----
From:	John Atkinson 
Sent:	Thursday, September 26, 2002 9:59 PM
Subject:	Re: Roger's Quiz

--- wrote:
> FYI:
> Not all questions have an answer for every nation.
> If people submit 
> more questions and more answers to roger, then we'll
> have a better 
> representation. Scanfed, forex, probably isn't well
> represented, nor 
> is NI or FCT.

Gone and lost that page, please resend.

Did up, while I was on range gate guard, some
lightbulb jokes for each of the nations.

"One, to hold the lightbulb while the universe
revolves around him."

a "Let's check the manual."
b "Let's invade Poland and take theirs."

"Dangit, Emma-Sue!  You shot out all the lightbulbs
last night when you was drunk.	Again.	Change 'em!"

Should I do the whole list?


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