Re: [OT] Liberals was: Personal hoody-hoo
From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 07:14:56 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Liberals was: Personal hoody-hoo
As far as I understand US politics (who does? ) US 'Liberals' are what
we over here would call Social Democrats or even Socialists. Ready to
tax the rich to give to the poor. Rather vociferous about helping the
'Third World'. 'Politically correct' in the bad sense of that word,
About right, in the US the lines run from 'Liberal' i.e. Social Democrat
to "Conservative"i.e. free market economies, free trade etc. These can
belong to either of the two major political parties but tend to be
Democrat/Liberal and Republican/Conservative. This is by no means a
hard and fast rule but, is generally correct.
In Europe, it would be quite unusual for a memeber of a Communist party
to b ecalled a 'Liberal'.
But they can be "Greens" can't they? Ours can be also and generally are.