Re: [DS] House Rule Ideas
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 19:12:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [DS] House Rule Ideas
--- wrote:
> Guided Missile Systems (GMS)
> May fire at multiple targets, regardless of the
> guidance system used.
> Fire Control Systems (FCS)
> Basic - can only fire a single weapon at a single
> target (as written in DS
> II)
> Enhanced - all weapons on the vehicle may fire on
> the same target (as long
> as all other restrictions on fire, mount type and
> arcs, are adhered to)
> Superior - each weapon on the vehicle may fire on a
> separate target (as long
> as all other restrictions on fire, mount type and
> arcs, are adhered to)
*Shrug* I'm a big fan of the One Big Weapon System
myself. You may design GW tanks as you please.
Allowing them to shoot all their guns almost makes up
for the disadvantage they have just through sheer
physics. Mostly, the fact that my OBWS will, all
other things being equal, and ignoring HELs (as they
just suck, red chits only, FEH!) outrange you much.
> Point Defense Systems (PDS)
Like I said, I like.
> Glide Bombs
> At any point in the aerospace fighter's path of
> flight the release of a
> glide bomb may be declared. These bombs may be fired
> at any point of impact
> within 60" of that point in the flight path and must
Oh, wow. Let's just make aircraft invulnerable. 60"
is way too long.
> be within the front 180
> degree arc of the fighter at that point in the
> flight path. Once released
> the Glide Bomb may be targeted by LADs, ZADs and the
> PDS of any unit within
> 1" of the point of impact.
At a +1 die shift due to the fact that it's big and
slow. IMNSHO.
> Crew Driven Vehicle Mounts (OK I don't know what the
> real name is and Derek
> isn't here)
Manual Fire Control??
I like it. Not enough to try and save the points by
buying it, but I like it.
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