From: Robert Crawford <crawford@k...>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2002 16:13:51 -0400
Subject: Re: GPS
John Sowerby wrote:
>> I'm not sure what you mean by "open system". The GPS system's always
>> been pretty open, at least the civilian side.
> When first out, the errors in position using civilian GPS could be
> large, particularly in terms of elevation, all due to the futzing of
> signal by the military. Now, even the standard receivers are much
> better, as the military have relaxed the rules somewhat.
As I understand it, they simply quit adding the intentional noise. Now
you're stuck with just natural noise.
> As for usage of GPS, when my father in law to be can plot a course for
> the yacht using his computer, and the thing can steer itself through
> channels in the Port of Miami and down to the Keys, or across to the
> Bahamas relying on the laptop and the boat's differential GPS system
> (two receivers and a reference station in South Florida), then the
> system can no longer be futzed up too badly.
Well, not without warning, at least. They can also add noise only in
certain areas -- so they could mess up civilian GPS over the Middle East
and leave the Bahamas alone.