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Re: Card initiative (Gauss rifles)

From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet@t...>
Date: 27 Aug 2002 12:24:18 -0400
Subject: Re: Card initiative (Gauss rifles)

On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 11:50, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:

> If you're worried about EM radiation causing brain cancer, then you
> shouldn't use those fancy helmet-mounted headsets and visor-mounted
> :-) (Of course that'll leave you wide open to enemy laser dazzlers,
and you 
> can't use the tac-data net without taking a break from the fighting,
> that's life <g>)
> FWIW, the cancer-risk-from-cell-phones figures I've seen said that the
> cell phones gave a ~80% increase of the risk of getting brain cancer, 
> meaning that the former very low brain cancer rate has increased by a 
> factor 1.8 - which is something very different from what you wrote,
> a *total* risk of 80% (meaning that if you use an old cell phone you
> an 80% chance of getting brain cancer sooner or later). If you have a 
> source which actually says the latter, I'd be quite interested in
> it :-)

Regardless of the risk of having a bunch of EM emissions next to your
head, be it from a EMP rifle, Gauss rifle or electronics in your helmet,
all of these systems are ostensibly designed and intended to assist the
you in locating and killing the enemy and communicating with your fellow
troopies and your leaders about what's going on to co-ordinate the whole
business of killing people and breaking things.

So someone (Army or individual) who takes the increased chance of a
tumor or something by using the equipment is *Supposed* to be more
effective than someone who doesn't.  Being more effective than the enemy
is a good thing, because that limits their ability to put bullets into
your body... and frankly I like my odds vs EM radiation induced brain
cancer a lot better than the odds vs. flying lead.

Besides, "Army studies (concoted lies) have shown that the risk of
<whatever it is that you're saying is harmful to it's user> is well
within acceptable parameters (because we decided we can bury the human
cost after the war anyway).  Trust us, (you beguiled sheeple) we are not
the lying, manipulative warmongers that brought you Radiation tests on
soldier, Agent Orange and the Gulf War Syndrome, (but we're following in
their footsteps by brining you Vets from the Kra'Vak wars home with
brain seizures and short-term memory loss from repeated magnetic fields
scrambling their brains.  It's a non-risk situation for us, because by
the time the Truth comes out, it will be decades from now and we'll just
name some high-ranking guy from today who died in the interim as the
decision-maker to be the scapegoat.)

Cynical?  Me?  Naah...


--Flak Magnet
Hive Fleet Jaegernaught
"I hate quotations."
		-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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