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Fantasy Rules

From: "Ian Cotgias" <ian.cotgias@v...>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 22:25:58 +0100
Subject: Fantasy Rules

Does anyone have the Full Metal Cod-piece play test rules or know how to
on the list for them? I go to a club that is 50% or more GZG stuff so it
would go down really well, not to mention lend very vocal comment on
as the entire group (bar 25% or so) are real Games Workshop-a-phobes.

Incidentally in respect of some comments I saw but cannot attribute, the
only way I have played DZII so far is as a WWII conversion and it worked
well (but then I played the Germans and so far the Americans keep being
trounced). Also I have even seen a WWII conversion from Full Thrust into


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