Re: Tomb's Rating System
From: "Z. Lakel" <zlakel@t...>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 15:26:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Tomb's Rating System
> There is no such thing as some
> semi-mystical "Eastern" style of warfare. What people
> usually mean by that is guerilla-style warfare.
What I think people often mean by 'eastern' type warfare is the refusing
come to grips, horse-archer style of warfare employed by eastern step
peoples. However, I do agree with you in that such a style of warfare
longer really exhists, exceptions excluded of course, due mostly to
technological progress and increased organization of the states which
style had previously preyed upon.
That being said, how do people generally rate sensor technology in FT
campains? In other words, do you know where the enemy is insystem in
realtime or only when one of your pickets bumps into him? Similarly on
strategic level?
Zachariah Lakel