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Re: John's Weapon Lists

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 08:31:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: John's Weapon Lists

--- Thomas Barclay <> wrote:
> Okay John, here's some thoughts (based off of 
> the 25mm figures I own and some other good 
> thoughts):
> NSL: 
> Fig: SGN18-B	 Weapon: RF AP Plasma Gun 
> (must be similar to the UN weapon)
> MGP-81  (MachinGewehrPlasma? - help me out 
> Germanic Speakers of the LIst)
> IMP: D12  FP: D12  

The other NSL plasma weapon is listed as "SK", for
Sturmkanone or "Storm (Assault) Cannon".  This should
probably be Automatic Assault Cannon, or if it's
considered an evolutionary development of the
SK51-type weapon, simply designated SK-81.  Perhaps
Machine SturmKanone? 

> either SGU-06A or SGU-19A (can't tell since I 
> have the figure with huge plasma gun firing 
> from hip in armour with helmet on but there 
> aren't pix) - it looks like a point-fire-plasma gun 
> rather than a typical SAW
> UN HSPW-82	FP: D8	IMP: D12*

OK. Added.


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