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RE: 2nd and 3rd rate powers

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 18:07:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: 2nd and 3rd rate powers

--- John Leary <> wrote:

> > >4: NAC as 1st rate: I cite long mili tary

> > Doesn't necessarily do it.	The US army that
> started
> > off in Korea was pretty poor, as I understand it. 
> --------
> Not to mention taken by suprise, and massively
> outnumbered.

The US Army has had some bad days in the past.	Almost
invariably when using draftees.  The Regular Army has
been historically damn solid, but damn tiny.  The only
time we get our heads handed to us on a silver platter
are when politicians put us in unwinnable situations. 
HOWEVER, this applies to every Army in history
(Remember, all you Anglophiles, that the British Army
spent 2 years getting kicked around by the Germans. 
We lost one skirmish, and had an unbroken winning
record after.)

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