Odd armour developments
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 02:19:10 -0400
Subject: Odd armour developments
Adeptus Mechanicus should have been
renaimed Ineptus Mechanicus. Anyone who
couldn't build a Storm Bolter that didn't jam
every few shots ought not to be considered
worthwhile in any technical way.
John A also made an excellent point about hair
plus sand. Sand is bad. It's most annoying
property is its ability to find its way inside
clothing and into places it should not be. Or
into seemingly closed mechanical systems
(perhaps via osmosis or teleportation). And it
proceeds to be either uncomfortable or
destructive by degrees. And having it in the hair
is no joy. Nor mind you is having a huge mass
of hair on your head in 35C plus humidex and
having to hump 10 miles with a heavy rucksack
and a full combat loadout including ammo for
the support weapons. Not like you're going to
be happy in any event, but if you've got more
hair than required, you're going to be even less
Ah the joys of being an infanteer (I noticed the
armoured recce types always seemed to drive if
the distance was more than about 10 yards....
lazy bunch of buggers....and the fact they liked
to keep beer in the APCs wasn't lost on us
gropos either....)!
Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of http://www.stargrunt.ca
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site
No Battle Plan Survives Contact With Dice.
-- Mark 'Indy' Kochte