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RE: [SG] Turbans and beards

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 09:36:19 +1000
Subject: RE: [SG] Turbans and beards


> Ah, the curse of falling in with a gamer!

Yes every silver lining has its dark side ;)
> You just need two sets of armies, any time you buy a fig, you have to 
> buy one for the "other side" too! 

Funnily enough that's the way it's going to go. Over time Derek's
getting a
set to be painted up as Aussies from Nam ("because they're so
and I'll being getting a set ("because they're just cool looking figs
guns and perfect for SG").... so everything works out in the end. Mind
I'm not the kind of person who gives up beautifully painted figs because
the colour of the flock!!! ;)



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