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Re: DS2 VTOL design question

From: steve@p...
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 15:21:31 +0100
Subject: Re: DS2 VTOL design question

On 19 Jul 2002 at 14:51, Tony Francis wrote:
> wrote:
> >On page 14 of the DS2 rules it says "VTOLs may employ small turrets 
> >that may hold APSWs or class 1 weapons only". 
> >
> >My question is: can the class 1 weapons be multi-barrelled. 
> >
> >I'm looking at the GZG AV6 mini (SF25-35 or DSM-102) and thinking
> >Size 3, carries 8 infantry, Could make the tribarrel at front a
> >RFAC/1 (and maybe use the remaining capacity to add some PDS) but
> >would love to make it a 3xMDC/1.
> >
> I don't generally regard the barrels of gatling-type systems as being
> individual weapon systems;

Neither do I normally. However...

> Better to treat it as a single larger (say class/2) weapon instead. 

Ahem. "VTOLs may employ small turrets that may hold APSWs or class 1 
weapons only"
It has to be CLASS ONE. Otherwise I wouldn't ask the question.

As it's a transport VTOL I may decide to make it a triple APSW 
instead. Transports have no right to go tank hunting so it's better 
to put the best anti-infantry weapons there.

On the other hand, in another thread someone is making the same model 
Size 2 rather than Size 3.

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